News Update:
12/13/2024: Celebrated and appreciated the year 2024 together with the Alejandro lab.
10/28/2024: MICaB student Xunhe Li started his 2nd rotation with the Ruan lab.
9/24-26/2024: The 8th International Meeting on Bone Marrow Adiposity was held in MontrΓ©al, Canada. Hai-Bin was part of the local organization committee and presented the lab's work on O-GlcNAc & bone-fat balance.
9/17/2024: Congrats to Sherry on her pass of written preliminary exam and to Veronica on her Allan Hemingway Scholarship.

9/14/2024: Lab gathering at Hai-Bin's.

6/14/2024: We gathered at the Malcolm Yards to say goodbye to Maria.

6/5/2024: Zamzam Abullahi started her summer intern in the lab, supported by MNCORE.
6/3/2024: Anneliese joined the lab as a UPRIME scholar for summer research.
5/23/2024: Notice of award received from AHA for Hai-Bin's Innovative Project Award. We will team up with the O'Connell Lab to study perivascular fat in HFpEF.
3/14/2024: Hai-Bin was appointed as the Land Grant Professor in Metabolism.
12/19/2023: Congrats to Zahra on her two year predoctoral fellowship award from American Heart Association.
12/15/2023: Annual Alejandro & Ruan labs winter gathering.
12/12/2023: Nick successfully defended his Master thesis.
10/6/2023: Celerating Zan & Chenxin's scBAT lineage paper accepted for publication at PLOS Biology.
9/23/2023: Lab BBQ πππ₯©π₯πΊπ¦οΈπ·πΈπ«ππ€.
6/26/2023: Zahra was selected as a recipient of the Warthesen 21st Century Fellowship (offered through CFANS) for the Fall 2023 semester. Congratulations!
6/2/2023: Nick was awarded the Council of Graduate Students (CGS) Career Development and Advancement Award for his travel to the PhD Training Course organized by the European Calcified Tissue Society.
5/23/2023: Zahra was the graduate student finalist for the 2023 Visscher Young Investigator Competition.
5/16/2023: Congratulations to Ifrah on her INPUT award for research in the Fall semester.
5/15/2023: Yuan officially joined the lab as a postdoc. She came to us from Southwest University.
4/26/2023: At the 6th Annual IBP Symposium, Maria and Ifrah were selected for oral and poster presentations, respectively, to showcase their research projects. Hats off to thee!
4/18/2023: Zahra passed her Preliminary Oral Exam and now is a PhD candidate in Nutrition. Congrats!
3/27/2023: Nick, a first year IBP student, officially joined the lab for thesis project.
1/6/2023: We welcomed graduate student Xuechun (Sherry) and undergraduate Maria @ the Market at Malcom Yards. Navya was back to the twin cities for the holiday. Lauren decided to pursue exercise physiology.
11/29/2022: Our intestinal O-GlcNAc study was highlighted in the Research Report of the 30th Anniversary Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience. We're very appreciative of their support!
10/27/2022: Ifrah was selected as a recipient of the 2022 INPUT (INtegrative Biology &
Physiology Undergraduate Training) Award. Congratulations!
8/3/2022: Congrats to Kevin's poster presentation at Cardio Palooza 13.
6/3/2022: Hai-Bin presented at the 82nd Scientific Sessions of ADA in New Orleans, LA.
6/3/2022: Hai-Bin was elected to the board of the Chinese-American Diabetes Association.
4/13/2022: UMN Medical School Research Brief: immune response to parasitic worms.
4/13/2022: Kevin has been selected as a recipient of the 2022 UPRIME (Undergraduate Physiology Research in Medicine and Education) Award from the Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology at the University of Minnesota.
4/3/2022: Supported by the ASBMB travel award, Zahra did a wonderful job presenting her BAT ketone study at the EB2022 meeting in Philadelphia. Bravo!
2/23/2022: We received the official NoA for lab's second R01 from NIAID to study mucosal immunity.
2/9/2022: Ming's paper "Epithelial STAT6 O-GlcNAcylation drives a concerted anti-helminth alarmin response dependent on tuft cell hyperplasia and Gasdermin C" was accepted in principle at Immunity. Kudos to all authors! πΎ
1/28/2022: Zan & Zengdi's paper "Brown adipose tissue involution associated with progressive restriction in progenitor competence" was accepted in principle at Cell Reports. Congrats to all authors and we're very grateful to all the help that we have received along this 5-year journey.
1/27/2022: Zahra's abstract submitted to the 2022 ASBMB Annual Meeting was selected for an oral presentation. The next day, we were thrilled to hear that she was also awarded the Graduate Student Award to assist her travel!
9/20/2021: Hai-Bin received the NoA from NIAID for an R56-Bridge on "Intestinal O-GlcNAc signaling and mucosal host defense".
9/13/2021: Aishwarya, a first year Pharmacology PhD student, started her rotation in the lab.
9/3/2021: Carleton rising senior Alex finished his summer internship. We were happy to host you and grateful for your contribution, Alex!.
6/30/2021: Happy hour at the Campus Club for Angela's farewell. She is heading to NCI for her postgraduate training. Congrats!
11/09/2020: Anna joined the lab for her 2nd rotation.
8/10/2020: Ming was awarded an IBP International Postdoctoral Fellowship.
6/29/2020: Ming's paper on O-GlcNAc regulation of entetroendocrine L cell development was accepted in principle at Cell Reports. Congrats to Ming and big thanks to our collaborators Xiwen, Xiaoyong and Emilyn!
5/16/2020: Wondering why we gradually lose brown fat as we age? Check our preprint @bioRxiv.
12/20/2019: Our annual Winter Gathering & White Elephant Gift Exchange together with the Alejandro lab.
11/26/2019: Hai-Bin visited the Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health and gave a seminar on "Adipose Tissue Remodeling in Aging and Obesity". Thanks Dr. Yu Li for the invitation.
11/24/2019: Hai-Bin spoke at the 2019 Sino-US Xiangya Symposium on Metabolism, Changsha, China.
11/21/2019: Hai-Bin was invited for a talk at the 23rd Scientific Meeting of the Chinese Diabetes Society in Xiamen, China.
6/10/2019: Hai-Bin spoke at the 79th Scientific Sessions of ADA in San Francisco, CA.
6/5-7/2019: Hai-Bin attended the 10th Scientific Symposium of Chinese-American Diabetes Association (CADA) in San Francisco, CA and was honored to receive the Young Investigator Award.
5/3/2019: Brianna gave an oral presentation on her research at IBP's 2nd Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium.
4/6-9/2019: Supported by a Travel Award, Ming attended the ASBMB 2019 Annual Meeting in conjugation with EB2019 in Orlando, FL. He hosted the session on "Microbiome, Host-parasite interactions and Therapeutic Targets" and presented his work on the role of OGT in Tuft cell development. Congrats!
2/8/2019: Zengdi's manuscript "Bone marrow adipose tissue-derived stem cell factor mediates metabolic regulation of hematopoiesis" was provisionally accepted for publication in Haematologica. Haematologica is the oldest hematology journal in the world.
12/20/2018: Bing's manuscript "The lineage stability and suppressive program of regulatory T cells require protein O-GlcNAcylation" was accepted in principle for publication in Nature Communications.
12/19/2018: The third Alejandro/Ruan joint lab meeting was held, in part celebrating our success in 2018. Brianna and Zengdi did a great job presenting their projects.
11/20/2018: Hai-Bin received the notice of award from NIAID for his R01 project "Protein O-GlcNAcylation in Regulatory T Cell Function".
7/18/2018: The back cover image of the June/July issue of ASBMB Today featured Bing at the ASBMB '18 Annual Meeting.
6/11/2018: Kudos to Bing for being awarded a finalist of the Young Investigator Competition at the ninth Visscher Symposium.
5/28/2018: Ming's paper titled "Deficiency in Intestinal Epithelial O-GlcNAcylation Predisposes to Gut Inflammation" was accepted for publication by EMBO Mol Med. Congratulations!
5/15/2018: Hai-Bin received the notice of award from NIAID for his R21 project "O-GlcNAc signaling enables the intestinal epithelial remodeling associated with type 2 immunity".
4/21-25/2018: Bing was awarded an ASBMB 2018 Graduate/Postdoctoral Travel Award to attend the ASBMB 2018 Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. She presented her poster "O-GlcNAcylation Controls Regulatory T Cell Homeostatis and Function".
11/13/2017: Hai-Bin received a notice of funding for his ADA Innovative Basic Science Award.
10/27/2017: Pedro Rodriguez, a first year Physiology graduate student, joined the lab for rotation.
9/11/2017: New semester, new faces. Welcome Brianna and Madysen joining the lab.
7/28/2017: Farewell lunch for Ryan. Hope you have an awesome grad school experience at Northwestern.
5/9-13/2017: Hai-Bin attended the Keystone Symposia - Gastrointestinal Control of Metabolism in Copenhagen, Denmark, and was invited for an oral presentation.
4/22-26/2017: Hai-Bin attended the Experimental Biology 2017 meeting in Chicago and presented at the Advances in Glycobiology session.
3/29/2017: Hai-Bin received the 2017 Innovation Grant Award from the University of Minnesota Medical School.
3/15/2017: Dr. Zengdi Zhang joined the lab as a Visiting Scholar.
1/30/2017: Hai-Bin received notice of an award from the Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience.
12/30/2016: The Ruan Lab 2017 Winter Appreciation Dinner at Little Szechuan.
11/15/2016: Lab lunch at Indian Palace, St Paul welcoming Chinmayi.
11/3/2016: Hai-Bin gave a seminar at the Capital University of Medical Sciences, China.
11/2/2016: Hai-Bin gave a seminar at the Xinxiang Medical University, China.
10/6/2016: Hai-Bin spoke at the Citywide Endocrine Conference.
9/13/2016: Lab gathering at Goldy's Gameroom to welcome Meng. Apparently, Ryan is the best bowler in the lab. We were so focused on the game and the food that only this "group picture" was taken.
9/6/2016: Meng Cheng joined the lab.
7/29/2016: Kaiqun Ren, PhD received China Scholarship Council fellowship and will join the lab later in December.
6/9-6/14/2016: Hai-Bin and Ming attended the 7th Scientific Symposium of Chinese-American Diabetes Association and the 76th Scientific Sessions of American Diabetes Association in New Orleans, LA.
6/1/2016: Ryan Heck, who recently graduated from Valparaiso University, joined the lab as a Researcher 1. Welcome, Ryan!
3/31/2016: Zan Huang, PhD received China Scholarship Council postdoctoral fellowship and will join the lab later this year.
2/7/2016: Bing Liu, PhD accepted the offer to join the lab as a postdoc.
1/28/2016: IACUC protocol approved.
1/21/2016: Mice imported from Yale arrived.
1/4/2016: The Ruan Lab officially opened.
11/25/2015: Ming Zhao, PhD accepted the offer to join the lab as a postdoc.